On Thursday 21st November Mrs Parkes, teacher at Lealholm Primary School, brought 9 Year 6 pupils to visit our Library and Archives. The pupils arrived at 10 am and after completing an orienteering task, to familiarise themselves with the library, they were then organised into groups and rotated three activities. This included searching family members on the Digital Whitby Gazette, a tour in the archives with Charles looking at old newspapers that featured the school and discovering bugs, and learning with Rob the book cleaning procedure on the Down Draught Bench and why it is important we monitor bugs.

One pupil discovered her Grandad had got lost in a fire incident on the Moor, another pupil found his Grandparents wedding picture and a mum at her school Christmas party! It’s always interesting to see their reactions when they make a discovery!

Bidi then entertained the children with stories based on school items gathered personally and from the museum including the famous ‘Truants Clog’! Before the children left, I gave Mrs Parkes the Lealholm School archive resources that the volunteers and I had discovered to support their 150 year celebrations.

This is our second school visit and it was fabulous to see the pupils enjoying the space. If your school is interested in a visit contact claire.marris@whitbymuseum.org.uk.
Claire Marris Archive Development Officer