I am taking you back to October 16th 1996 because that was when The Endeavour replica set sail on her maiden world voyage from her home base of Fremantle in Western Australia.

April 1st 1994 Page 8 Whitby Gazette
“After six years of hard work the replica of Captain James Cook’s ship Endeavour has undergone her first ocean trial under sail. The vessel, carrying 65 people involved in its construction, had an hour-long trial in Freemantle harbour before getting her first taste of blue water – a six-mile voyage out to sea at a steady 5½ knots. We are told she looked a fine sight in full sail and proved to be extremely stable in full sail and proved to be extremely stable – one of the qualities of which Cook was well aware when he chose the Whitby-built collier for his voyage of discovery.
The new Endeavour will undergo more trials before sailing to Sydney’s Australian National Maritime Museum in October. We wish her well and keep our fingers crossed, one day, she will sail into Whitby harbour. After all, its where she should have been built in the first place.”

Around 2000 people gathered at Victoria Quay for the farewell ceremony attended by Premier Richard Court (Premier1993-2001) and British vice-consul Bob Andrews.
However, not everyone was as welcoming…
February 2nd 1996 Page 25 Whitby Gazette
“The replica Endeavour got a stormy welcome from Māori’s in New Zealand. The three-month visit by the ship sailed by Whitby hero Captain James Cook was supposed to heal rifts between the Māori’s and Europeans. Māori activists have complained that the ship symbolises British oppression of their people. Captain Cook was the first European to land in New Zealand. The arrival of the 130ft three-masted square rigger in 1769 is seen as the start of the colonisation of the islands. Māori elders in Gisborne urged the Endeavour not to visit. They said Captain Cook and his men had inflicted atrocities on Māori’s. A dozen protesters tried to board the ship in Auckland. Three were arrested.”
During its voyage to the UK Whitby Sea Cadets Karl Johnstone joined the crew from Santa Cruz de Tenerife in March 1997 (Whitby Gazette: March 14th 1997 Page 3) and Claire Jobling boarded in April in Great Yarmouth for the leg to Boston and onto Whitby. Gazette reporter Jonathan Stokoe, of Sleights, and editorial assistant Ann Dickinson, of Ruswarp were also on board from Boston to Whitby (Whitby Gazette: April 4th 1997 Page 17).
The compliment for the world voyage was 13 permanent professionals, 37 experienced mariners and graduates of sail training programmes, two media personnel and 4 supernumeraries (passengers). Captain Cook sailed with 95 men.

She undertook a circular tour of Britain arrived in Whitby on Friday May 9th, as part of that tour. Greeted with a peal of bells from St Mary’s church and tens of thousands of onlookers. There were many festivities arranged including a sea shanty festival, a prestigious exhibition at Whitby Pavilion on the work of Endeavour botanist Joseph Banks, a flower festival at St Mary’s Church, street musicians, commemorative coin-striking, demonstrations of rope craft and ship bottling, video shows and exhibitions about Captain Cook.

If you are interested to read more about the Endeavour Replica we have a box full of memorabilia including magazine and newspaper cuttings, visit brochures, project information and a calendar! We also have photographs and films on file too. Contact by email library@whitbymuseum.org.uk.

Did you know there was another replica? A replica of the Endeavour was built in Vancouver for the 1969 bi-centenary celebrations of Cook’s voyage to New Zealand. It was damaged by gales in February 1971 0n its way to Auckland (Whitby Gazette: Feb 26th 1971 Page 1)
Digital Whitby Gazette – available in the library Tuesday to Friday 10am to 4pm.
Endeavour: The Visit (1997). Maiden World Voyage, page 4. Published: Yorkshire Regional Newspapers Ltd for the Whitby Gazette – available in the The Endeavour Replica Collection Box by appointment.
By Claire Marris
Archive Development Officer
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